Welcome to the MAPP alumni website. |
Action groups within the MAPP Alumni have created two new resources pages that are visible to all: DEIA+ Library: The committee on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA+) has curated books, news articles, journal articles, podcasts, assessments, videos, and websites with the goal of inspiring students, researchers, and practitioners to be more culturally responsive in order to ensure that positive psychology remains relevant as our demographics continue to change. M4FP Library: The MAPPsters for a Flourishing Planet (M4FP) committee has curated books, news articles, journal articles, podcasts, and videos with the goal of inspiring people to broaden their understanding of positive psychology to include a commitment to a flourishing planet. Our hope is that these resources will help people take to preserve our planet, whether that be by conserving planetary resources or by returning resources to the planet. |
MAPP Magazine Now Onlline The MAPP Alumni Magazine is now being published in a web-based format with more frequent updates. The mission of the MAPP Magazine is first to keep Penn MAPP alumni connected and second to share the wide range of our applications of positive psychology with a broader audience to inspire collaboration and growth in the field. Visit the MAPP Magazine site for the latest articles. Past editions of the MAPP Magazine are available here. | For the Public Webinars about ways to thrive in a time of crisis One to two minute videos demonstrating a way to gain join in movement. to find people whose expertise may serve your application needs and/or be in your geographical location. If you are a MAPP alum, you can log in to see the fete/summit history page with pointers to artifacts from previous year's fetes and summits, including pre-reads and presentation slides. |
MAPP Grant Fundraiser Underway Thank you to the donors who sponsored our 2024 fete or chose to be sponsoring donors to the MAPP Grant Program. Impact of the MAPP Grant Program so far Grant Donation made by a MAPP-owned business:
Sponsors of the 2024 Fete The following MAPP-owned businesses and individuals sponsored the 2024 fete, the annual one-day conference organized by MAPP alumni to help alumni stay connected to each other and keep their positive psychology skills sharp. They contributed at multiple levels of sponsorship. Love Level Sponsor Gratitude Level Sponsors
Hope Level Sponsors: Elaine O'Brien, PhD and Tom Rotelli |
Here you can learn about a growing community of positive psychology practitioners
who earned a master’s degree in Applied Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania studying the science of human flourishing.
There is something intangible that the MAPP alumni have. We call it “MAPP magic.” It is a deep sense of love, kindness, and shared purpose that we experience when we go through the MAPP program at UPENN. One of our goals is to keep the MAPP magic alive and share it with others throughout the world. We cannot wait to share our passion about positive psychology with you!
With love, The MAPP alumni
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