Capstone title and abstract
Crafting a Calling: The Role of Optimism
Extant research indicates that optimism, growth mindset and calling orientation have positive relationships to job performance, engagement, and work and life satisfaction. While research has explored relationships between calling orientation and strengths, engagement, flow, and other constructs, no research has specifically tested if optimism and growth mindset are related to or predictive of a calling orientation. A survey study of 182 respondents currently employed in professional services organizations was conducted to explore and establish for the first time relationships between optimism, mindset and calling orientation. The hypothesis tested was as follows: respondents high in measures of optimism and growth mindset would report having strong calling orientation toward their work. Results validate the hypothesis for optimism and calling orientation, which have a significant correlation; results for the relationship between growth mindset and calling orientation were not significant. Future research should explore the causal direction of the relationship between optimism and calling, followed by interventions that boost one or the other, as appropriate, in order to build a pathway to enhanced well-being and meaning in work and life.