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Heroic Humility: How Humble Models Can Contribute to Better Relationships and a More Civil Political Process with Everett Worthington PhD

  • 18 Aug 2016
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • AnyMeeting Webinar: The link to join will be sent to those that register


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Heroic Humility: How Humble Models Can Contribute to Better Relationships and a More Civil Political Process

Everett Worthington, PhD

Ev Worthington will discuss the burgeoning research on humility. Humility is a gateway virtue or character strength, and it promotes a generally more other-oriented character. It is often learned by observing good (and the lessons from bad) models. Humility is important in forming, maintaining, growing, and repairing damage to social relationships. Ev will mention many applications, but spend most of his applied focus on political humility. And no, he does not consider that an oxymoron--but recently the number of good models of political humility seem just a tad harder to find. 


Ev Worthington is Commonwealth Professor of Counseling Psychology at Virginia Commonwealth University. We will be hearing from Dr. Worthington (developer of the REACH model of forgiveness) just as he is finishing the draft of Heroic Humility he is co-authoring for APA books, so this will be cutting edge research.

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